Raise your deductible amount - the higher your auto insurance deductible the lower your premiums could be. You only pay the deductible amount if the claim is paid by your insurance company, so you will have had to have an accident and your insurance company had to pay the claim before you would pay the deductible. Talk to your car insurance agent about which deductible is right for you.
Combine all other insurance coverage's together. If you have homeowners, health, life, long term care insurance with company X, you might get a lower auto insurance rate if you got coverage with company X as well.
Ask for discounts! You never know until you ask, but you might be eligible for a rate discount on your current car insurance. Some common insurance discounts are given for:
* Good grades for students and teens
* AARP membership - or senior citizen
* Membership in a credit union
* Limited use vehicles (only used periodically and driven short distances)
* Does your vehicle have an alarm or other form of anti theft device
* Does it have multiple air bags
* Are you currently or formerly military personnel
* Do you have a clean driving record
* Good credit
* Defensive driving classes
What is SR22 Auto Insurance?
SR22 car insurance policies are a certificate of insurance that will show your local DMV your proof of car insurance for the future. SR22 vehicle insurance is a type of insurance which requires the insurance company to certify coverage to the Division of Motor Vehicles. The issuing insurance company must also notify the local DMV at any time the policy is terminated and or canceled or is allowed to lapse. One does not need to own a vehicle to obtain this form of car insurance, called non owner insurance. Ask your car insurance carrier about a non-owner SR-22 auto insurance policy if this is the case..
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